Philippe Buffon Grands Reportages
Voyage au bout de la drogue : Le crack
Réalisation : Philippe Buffon
Durée 26'
Diffusion Envoyé Spécial
Philippe Buffon bléssé par des dealers à Paris
En plein Paris , Place Stalingrad j'ai découvert les consommateurs de Crack, cette drogue dérivée de la cocaïne qui fait des ravages dans le monde entier .
Ce reportage a été filmé en caméra cachée .
Au bout de trois nuits de tournage , je fus poignardé à huit reprises dans les mains par les dealeurs
Résultat : Deux opérations pour me ligaturer tous les tendons des deux mains qui avaient été coupés et qui étaient remontés dans les coudes .
Une de mes mains sera toujours handicapée
Report by Philippe Buffon
"Travelling down to hell"("Voyage au bout de la drogue") is, as he says himself, his last report on this subject.
"This time, I took to much risks; they "cut" my hands !.."
8 stabes with knife... Psychologically shocked, Philippe Buffon lives, every nights, since October 3rd, the nightmare of the attack in which he was the victim. Emotive and depressed, he passed over the stage of the "witness-reporter" stupefied and terrorized, to became a victim : victim of the madness and the violence of people in prey of despair who have no more conscience of their acts.
Since he woke up of his operation, in the hospital Boucicaut, he has only one obsession :
"I want to give my testimony, I want my pictures to be showed that it serves at least to something..."
The "cold eyes" and the "detachment" of the Journalist is, in this case, no more for him. He now reacts with his feelings :
"Drugs : we know exactelly chemecally what it is;
» the statistics : we are all aware; the repression : we saw it several times, but the atmosphere of this lost crowd, the fear, the drift, the horror of a sordid and sinister univers : one has to show it really. No one who sees my pictures filmed at the Stalingrad Place (Paris) could feel any desire to belong to this world of downfall".
Expressing his deep feelings, he hopes being abble to touch the general public on this problem and to strive for the prevention against drugs by dissuasing the potentiel users.
"These men and women are no more than their own shadows moaning and trembling while searching for a few bright "paillettes", that they call "the stones". These few synthetic ounces give them, for a few minutes, a pretending plaisir of which they are ashamed; but then, they fall again in the frighful nostalgia of the plaisir it procures : the "deficiency".
This need, this disgusting gap : they are ready to do anything to fill it, but it will never en#d...
Shadows of themselves, dominated by the poison up to their cells which kills them in hate and suffering.